Born to Serve
Arthur was born in the city of Charlotte at Good Samaritan Hospital. During his formative years, he lived in the First Ward neighborhood until his 12th birthday. At that point in Arthur’s life, his family was displaced by the city’s urban renewal program from the shotgun house he knew as home into a public housing complex named Fairview Homes. Although living in the West Charlotte High School attendance area, he chose to continue his secondary education at Second Ward High School where he graduated in 1966.
Arthur started his church life early at Gilfield Baptist Church in the First Ward community. He continued his faith service over the years with the same congregation as the church changed names from Gilfield Baptist to Mount Olive Baptist and finally University Park Baptist Church. Today, he is a member of Memorial Presbyterian Church.

Committed to the Community
One of his high school awards, the Civitan Award would be one of the first official signs of his commitment to serve his community. Arthur served the Mecklenburg County community as a member of Mecklenburg County Board of Social Services, Mecklenburg County Court Guardian ad Litem Program, Mecklenburg County Human Services Advisory Council, Mecklenburg County Executive Committee Boy Scouts of America, Mecklenburg Medical Auxiliary Endowment Advisory Board, Children’s Law Center Board, Charlotte Housing Authority Alumni Committee, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Urban League Board, Children’s Services Network Board, Wilmore Neighborhood Scholarship Committee, CPCC Childcare Advisory Committee, Read-Up Charlotte Board, Southern Bell Consumer Council, Council for Children Board, Bethlehem Center Head Start Policy Council, Charlotte Chapter National Black Child Development Center, Charlotte Housing Authority Commissioner, and Charlotte Area Fund Board.
Currently, he serves on the School Leadership Council of the Renaissance West Community Initiative. He holds life memberships in the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., NAACP, Veterans of Foreign Wars, National Association of Black School Educators, Black Political Caucus of Charlotte-Mecklenburg, and Second Ward High School National Alumni Foundation. He serves as a member of the Board of Trustees, Central Piedmont Community College, member of Pi Phi Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, and member of the Second Ward West Charlotte Men’s Breakfast Club.
Arthur was duly appointed and elected to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education. He served as chair of the Curriculum and Instruction Committee, and member of the Facilities and Operations Committee. He served in other Board of Education leadership roles as Vice Chair and Chair of the Board. Nationally, he served on the Executive Committee of the Council of Urban Boards of Education and the Executive Committee of the Council of the Great City Schools. Arthur served on the National Assessment of Education Progress Advisory Committee that established achievement levels for the 1990 NAEP Mathematics Assessment. Arthur served as a guest lecturer at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education and the University of Virginia’s Partnership for Leaders in Education. He served as a resident faculty member of the Broad and Texas Institute for School Board members. Arthur is nationally recognized in public school governance.

A Champion in the
Workplace & Beyond
Arthur worked as a Litigation Paralegal at Legal Services of Southern Piedmont for 20 years. In that role he represented low-income clients before state and federal Administrative Law Judges in the areas of public benefits such as Medicaid, Food Stamps, TANF, public housing, unemployment, and Social Security Disability benefits. Arthur continued his legal career at the private law firm of Cox, Gage and Sasser representing Social Security disability clients before federal Administrative Law Judges.
Arthur served his country in the United States Army as a soldier and Infantry Platoon Leader in Vietnam (1970-71) and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. During his military career, he served as Platoon Leader, Battalion Operations Officer, Battalion Executive Officer, Battalion Commander, and Brigade Executive Officer.
Arthur joined McGraw-Hill Education in New York, as a Vice President of the National Urban Markets unit. There, he led a national business development team collaborating with school superintendents and administrators in identifying strategies and solutions to achieve their institutional goals. He was promoted to Senior Vice President and selected to lead the National Urban Markets team.
A Conduit of Education
Central Piedmont Community College
Arthur serves as a member of the Central Piedmont Community College Board of Trustees. As a community college, CPCC exists to take people from where they are, to as far as they are capable of going; transitioning them into reflective, critical thinking, problem solvers with marketable skills and talents. As a Trustee, Arthur is accountable for the College's Vision, Mission and strategic priorities, while executing the fiduciary responsibility in a transparent and ethical manner.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education
Arthur served on the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education for 17 years. During this period, Arthur served as Chairman of the School Board for 5 years. As an elected school board member Arthur was entrusted with governing local schools: to be responsive to the community's education values, beliefs and priorities; to recognize that student achievement was the number one goal; and to make sure taxpayers got the most for their tax dollars in a responsible and transparent manner.

Honored Service
Arthur is the recipient of many awards and recognitions, among them, is Whitney M. Young, Jr. Award, by the Charlotte Urban League; Rosa Parks Social Justice Award by the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party; Luminary of the Year, by the Charlotte Post; Richard R. Green Award as National Educator of the Year by the Council of the Great City Schools; Liberty Bell Award by the 26th Judicial District; Excellence in Leadership Award by McGraw-Hill Education; Citizen of the Year Award by the Mid-Atlantic Region of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority; Citizen of the Year by the Southern District of National Association of Social Workers; Man of the Year, by Charlotte Post; Combat Infantry Badge, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Awards by United States Army.